Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rude Awakening

This morning at 6:30am: "Honey? Can you wake up? I don't think we have any water!" This is how my day began.

We are very aware that temps are dropping into the 30's at night. It's April in New England, whataya expect? And for the first three nights of our new adventure we made damned sure we paid attention. Two of the three forecasted below 35 so I just left a drip of water running n the kitchen. It's something I have made a habit of doing on cold nights in any house I live in. But last night, we got watching the basketball game, got tired, and forgot to look at the overnight forecast. It got into the low 30's. Oops.

So I am up and out the door in a flash! The site next to us s empty.... They have pressure. So the campground didn't, as Faith had wondered out loud, turn the water off overnight. I pull the hose off our water connection and turn it back on the find plenty of pressure. OH NO!!! Had my worst nightmare happened and I have turned our brand new Passport travel trailer into an ice cube on wheels after only a few nights? I go to the hose connection the the camper, disconnect the hose and see ice in the hose. Crap! But it's fairly slushy and does not see to extend into the camper. Fortunately I have a spare hose that I hooked up. Pressure is restored. Faith can now take her shower and go to work. I really think everything is ok, thankfully! There were no bursts of air or anything that would lead me to believe there was an internal problem. Pressure was outstanding! So we dodged a bullet. I will do better next time. ~ Cheers!

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