Thursday, September 20, 2012

Slave to Technology

My older brother has worked for IBM for roughly 40 years. He started there immediately after getting his PhD in Physics and it's the only job he's really ever had. I visited his lab once back in the mid 80's and he was showing me a laser beam that he had shooting around the room, bouncing off walls and mirrors, etc.  He said they were working on being able to use lasers to carry and deliver what he called digital information. It made no sense to me at the time but a few years later we started to see cassette tapes be replaced by The CD, a compact disc that contained music... Digital music delivered via laser. On that same visit to his lab, he showed me a message he had received that morning from his friend in Australia.  It was a bunch of green typing on a black computer screen and he called it "electronic mail, or e-mail for short". It seemed hard to understand. But he swore that someday everyone would have this thing called email. Looks like he was right.

Since that day some 30 years ago, I have become quite skilled at using technology. I consider myself computer savvy. I have an iPhone and an iPad and a stack of old laptops a mile high. I am not sure I have a clue how to actually use technology  but I manage to make it work nonetheless. And speaking of iPads, they confound me. For all of the techno-ease they provide, they still can be "clunky" or to use an old computer term from the 90's, "cluegy".  Every laptop and desktop computer we own is packed away in prep for its journey to Florida.  So I have the iPad. I thought I was at an advantage. But I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to post pictures on this blog using the iPad. In fact I have determined that it is essentially impossible. As much as I enjoy writing, pictures are much more fun and much less boring.  The utility on, best as I can tell, doesn't support the Safari browser. If you have any ideas, leave a comment below or feel free to contact me via new fangled electronic mail at

That's all I have today! Enjoy this Thursday... Cheers!

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